Home Connections
The First Edition of a monthly AIG newsletter that was created in my GIFT 4000 class to stay connected and share updates about what is going on in our AIG classes.
Download the Remind App and complete Tic Tac Toe to share a little about your child!
The National Association for Gifted Children is a great resource that will be helpful to answer any questions regarding gifted education. Below are some suggested topics from the website:
Very Well Family keeps a Parenting Gifted Kids blog that has some great posts.
Need help advocating for your child in parent-teacher conferences? This article from Psychology Today has some great information to help get what you want out of your next parent-teacher conference.
Is your child twice-exceptional? The Davidson Institute has a great article with some tips for parents and meeting the needs of your child.
Also, learn about tips to work with your child’s school and advocate for your child.
Need strategies for teaching your gifted child at home? This blog by Colleen goes into some strategies that you could use at home when working with your child.
Subscribe to the Bright Newsletter for Kids to receive a quarterly newsletter for kids ages 6-10 with factoids and activities.
Read an article to learn what critical thinking is and how to practice critical thinking with your child.
Read an article to learn more about advocating for your gifted child.